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Miss Mara
by on June 25, 2017
You know, I grew up learning to keep my mouth shut if I knew what was good for me. Then I learned how to speak up against things I felt were wrong, and I'm still fighting the same fights today. However it is beginning to feel harder to be treated and respected as an equal (rape victim/survivor, non religious, pansexual woman here), yet I do realize I may have it easy compared to others out there, and that is why I still want to have a voice.
It is disheartening to see what little progress had been made take two steps back again. People are afraid, people are furious, but people still have a voice. This is a huge part of why I want to get a degree in psychology. I want to help you find your voice, I want to give you the chance I wish I had sooner. I want to give you a chance to realize who you are and see that there is nothing wrong with you just because you aren't a societal vision of perfection or because someone's religion disagrees with you. We are people and we aren't fighting for luxuries, we are fighting for equal human rights.
The only sure way we will not get what we need is if we stay silent. Please never lose your voice, and never give up. We will have what we deserve one day.