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Well, as I'm sure the majority of us can agree 2020 has been pretty.. well.. shit. I want to say before I continue I know many of us dommes and subs have been affected by covid-19 and if anyone wishes to talk to me privately I am here for you.
As for me.. well where do I begin?! This year has unfortunately been the worst year of my life. I've lost my grandfather (surprisingly not due to covid!) and the hardest of all, I've lost my family. My parents split early this year and up to that point th...
So I was thinking today about one my first experiences with d/s and wanted to share it with you. It's very tame haha so don't get too excited 😉
I remember it was on a night out with one of my uni friends and we were having a really good time. We'd been to a house party previously and I had met this cute guy there and after chatting and few more drinks in and I was being a flirtatious little minx. I can't remember how the conversation came about but I remember smoking outside with everyone and...
I have been wanting to write a blog for quite some time now just somewhere to put all my thoughts and feelings in one place. I'm sure I won't get everything I wish to say within this blog so possibly, hopefully, expect more to come.
I have been doing a lot of reflecting lately probably because of the time I have to do this now. Reflecting on many aspects of my life including that of findom.
I remember first entering this "world" seeing all these beautiful dommes and goddesses and thinking ...
I think the allure of the findom world attracts many people for different reasons. I guess I can't really speak for all dommes or subs however I think the issue is when: How do I know I'm speaking with someone genuine or at least share the same intentions. Am I speaking with a sub who is actually going to do deliver what he is promosing and not waste my time? Am I speaking with a domme who is going to provide what I need or ghost me after my tribute? It's even more frustrating when you google ab...