My voice is like a Siren's call. You know it's potentially dangerous. You know it might hurt you. Ye... View MoreMy voice is like a Siren's call. You know it's potentially dangerous. You know it might hurt you. Yet you can't help but succumb as I whisper poison in your ear delicately.
Welcome to my world. For now, you can address me as Ma'am. It's my preferred, informal title.
I'm an 18 year old college student residing in the sunshine state, Florida. I have an active academic, social, and D/S lifestyle. If I consider taking the reigns behind your brain, expect yours to become more active too. I pride myself on keeping my appearance feminine and groomed.
I have a slower, more sensual approach to domination. Firm and manipulating, but instant demands turn me off and it's not my way. I crave sacrifice. And the biggest sacrifices don't cost money. They cost soul.
I know how to get everything I want, and I'm patient enough to achieve it.