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Male Lives in United Kingdom Born on March 31, 1973
Brief Bio
Community Submissive. Please read my 'About Me' below.
Payment Methods Accepted/Used
My preferred ways of tributing are:
Non-UK: PayPal, Wish Tender, Throne, Amazon, or anywhere accepti... View more
About Me
I am a Female Supremacist, not as a fantasy but as a genuine belief. I have been submissive from an ... View more

Status Update

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I definitely think events in the chatroom could be fun.
Like June 18, 2024
or free hats
Like June 18, 2024
would make it more convienient to see who is still active if things were pre-arranged
Like June 18, 2024
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I get a sense of who is still active from the home page, seeing who is logging in. However, if we had a date pre-arranged in advance, that could be well publicised, then my idea is people wouldn't face the situation of going to the chatroom, finding it empty, and then immediately leaving aga... View more
Like June 18, 2024
$30 to the first ten
Like June 18, 2024