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Female Lives in United States Born on January 1, 1975
Featured Domme
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by on June 8, 2017
Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top. Cute,but ineffective begging,unless you are begging like this pup is :) I love when submissives debase themselves with begging. Cruel,perhaps,but definitely effective for teaching a submissive their proper place at my feet,and in my world. In my dominion,a submissive is less. Less as in beneath,below,and inferior to me. Therefore they are reduced to begging. Begging for 1)My attention 2)My time 3)to please me 4)to be of use 5)to orgasm 6)to serve...
291 views 1 like
by on June 3, 2017
Coming at me like a race car with the green light is not going to get you across the finish line fast or even first. On the daily I have males popping into my inbox with the fetish switch flipped on full power. This is a losing proposition for you. No woman let alone a Domme wants to be treated like a vending machine that is ready to spit out your selection when you slip a quarter in. I realize that it is really easy to get all caught up in the fantasies playing out in your head(yup all of...
242 views 3 likes
by on April 27, 2017
I realize that I speak, post, and tweet a ton about sacrifice. Why is that though? Could it be that many of you simply do not get it? The meaning of sacrifice to me is more than a sexy trigger word. It is real, it is tangible. Can you honestly state that you know what sacrifice is, and that you intend to engage in it? I do not believe that you can. ...
490 views 0 likes
by on January 23, 2017
After seeing so much drama playing out on twitter,I seriously felt the need to share some advice with you my readers.(Post taken from my personal blog) Hosting and creating drama does indeed draw attention to your brand,but it does not reflect in a positive light. We are all supposed to be mature individuals,and yes I realize that some of the males in the scene are throw backs from the stone age,but we as women should be above such BS. ...
273 views 12 likes
by on January 22, 2017
This may be hard to believe but not all FinDommes are alike personally(we already know this is true appearance wise). Of course the financial aspect is a shared expectation,but other elements will vary Domme to Domme. Just as no two snowflakes are identical,neither are two FinDommes. Some will interact with males freely for a predetermined amount of time before expecting tribute to be sent,and some will not speak to males at all without a tribute being sent first. Some will degrade and humili...
275 views 0 likes
by on January 9, 2017
Over the past few days I have been on the receiving end of more insults than the previous 6 months. Odd eh? No rhyme,nor pattern as they have been hurled by those that I have had zero past or present contact with. I have been called a hag,a slag,a whore,and more lol. Why do you think it is that absolute strangers feel compelled to attempt to downgrade those that have done them no ill? Is it insecurity driven? Do the abusers believe that it somehow elevates them in stature to toss vile words...
236 views 6 likes
by on December 28, 2016
Focus is a key element to success. Focus aids you in achieving your goals, and lack of it is sure to send you in a downward spiral. This pertains to all areas of life, even Findom. It is even applicable on both sides of the fence (Domme&submissive). You will never reach and or sate your desires if you lose focus. Whether intentional or not, we all set goals in our lives, and formulate an agenda to meet those goals. It is not required that we obliterate every other factor of our lives to get...
277 views 1 like
by on August 10, 2016
One of the biggest whines I have heard lately is "you just want my money". Let's talk about this shall we? If this is what you believe about me personally there could be a reason why,and most likely it is all on you. If you are interacting with me,it is due to you reaching out to me,not vice versa. I repeat,I do not chase after male attention. I have no need for such tactics,and if I am not the one making contact,than I am in no way obligated to react in a generous manner. We are not friend...
260 views 14 likes
by on July 22, 2016
Gents,subs,sissies,pets,pissants,and slugs Browsing through all of the posts,sites,tweets etc..labelled under the guise of "Femdom" these days is enough to brainwash the most enlightened of betas,much less the dumbest of turds into thinking all types of preposterous nonsense. ...
295 views 1 like
by on July 10, 2016
To serve me means you think of me more,and of yourself less. It means that my wants are paramount to the self-centered ones you harbored before me. It means that my happiness comes first. It means that you are at a point in your submissive journey where you recognize that a part of your life remains devoid of fulfillment. It means that you have accepted your purpose in life as a submissive male. It means that you are mature and healthy mentally and emotionally. It means that your focus is direct...
243 views 9 likes
by on April 15, 2016
Questions questions everywhere. How do I do this? How do I find paypigs? How do I get males to tribute? I have composed hundreds of blogs so far about findom,the lifestyle,how to serve,how to be served etc... but the questions come in everyday,so here I go again :) Findom is set apart from lifestyle bdsm,kinda weird I know,but one of the first things you will find out in this fetish is that it is very greatly looked down upon by "ordinary" bdsm members. It really sucks to be so very disdai...
417 views 8 likes
by on April 6, 2016
There is an unwritten rule to online Femdom/Findom stating that one must conceal what is real. A Domme is not allowed to be a living breathing being. One who has cares,concerns,and crazy days. She must instead produce content and create the illusion of always being perfect,decadent,and divine in all ways. She must erect a persona that appeals to the nether regions of males world web wide. Her statements,and photos should always enhance erections,and her actions cater to penile desires. A 24...
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