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This may be a bit of a rant, but I am wondering if there are any serious 'high rollers' out there, you know, the kind of pig that is so financially fat he actually make a business investment with or for his Mistress. While of course I do enjoy gifts of high heels, latex, costumes, amazon gift cards, and such, I keep thinking when I am 70 years old shitting into a sack tied at My waist, I'll certainly be glad I received so many pairs of shoes in the days of My prime. Ha! Though I am not joking. M...
I'll be in Leipzig, Germany next week attending WGT for lucky losers to hand over their euro, take Me shopping, or present themselves to Me baring gifts.
If any ladies of findoms.com will be attending it would be great to meet up, and show these bitches the true terror of Double Domination Draining :)