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Female Born on December 9
Featured Domme
Upgraded Members
by on March 4, 2022
IS RUDE!!! But I believe You would like to know more about what has happened so stay tuned: Just saw that a so called "Pro Domme" has been approaching what's mine wanting to go into debt contracts... Pretty weak approach tbh... Little does she know that most of mine are pretty smart people actually. So I enjoyed my live a little bit and just chatted occasionally with what's mine, & all my subs, slaves call it what you want, are allowed to continue with life when im not allowed unless instru...
288 views 3 likes
by on February 2, 2021
With Valentines Day coming up i expect some piggies to treat me well. When you are lonely at Valentines day you can tribute me and we spend it together on skype, text, call or whatever you might desire. But dont forget only the best piggy gets the most attention... Don't waste your time and get prepared to be on my Valentines list for the 14th of February. The ones who come first are the firsts to serve....
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