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Royal Domme
Royal Domme
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I recently returned to being a domme full-time (after a year of full-time vanilla job and part-time online) and I've noticed an increase in "You should..." guys and "Hey" guys (even here, unfortunately).
As a reminder, I do not enjoy engaging in free chat, nor do I enjoy some guy telling me what *I* should do to "make more money" (I.E. do what you want so you can get your rocks off). It's honestly disrespectful and a major turn-off.
No domme here owes you anything. Not a friendly chat. N...
So I've been holding off on blogs here for a VERY long time, but today I've been striken with personal curiosity and would like to know everyone else's thoughts...
When I first joined this community, I was welcomed by wonderful people (dommes and subs) who seemed more into "genuine connections". Both parties understood a Domme's time as valuable and there was no question in truly submitting/sending when prompted. There was open communication/understanding and a safe space to play.
Over tim...
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