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Do I look like a store to you? A place where you exchange your cash for product? And to make matters worse you try to haggle.. “All I can afford is… “Goddess, what will I get for…”
…let Me stop you right there and try to be as clear as possible. Nothing. NOTHING. And extra nothing, and a sassy side of fuck off.
Financial servitude is not a difficult concept to grasp. If you want to get and keep My attention, you’ll tribute. It’s that simple! If you want to become My sub, you’ll tribute reg...
This piece comes directly from my new blog site https://financialdominatrixblog.wordpress.com/
When I decided to create this blog I had a ton of ideas running through my head, but where should I start? How can I set the stage and overall tone of my blog–what should my first post be about?