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Goddess Blaize

Female. 57 years old
Featured Domme
Upgraded Members
by on February 10, 2019
Today I chatted with a sub I met here the first month I joined. Several months ago I was in a very dark place. 12/17 I was fired from my job, spring 18 divorce finally done after over an 18 month battle, learning to provide for my family on one income etc. I needed to be spoiled, and have some of the weight lifted from me.  This sub can be needy, and not very piggy like, which is usually a mild annoyance.   But several months ago I basically cut him off with not much more than a Twitter fuck ...
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by on January 30, 2019
I’ve noticed a lot of new members, Welcome new members!  I’ve been on the site for coming up on 3 years now. A relative newbie myself. But I thought I would share my experience with this community, and FD in general. First and foremost you do you boo.  I will say my best pets I’ve met here. None paid me just for the sake of paying me. Those type of fin subs are few and far between, and if you find one they rarely last.  I enjoy the interaction with the boys I play with. The one who pays me th...
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by on October 21, 2017
Some of you know that my boy live flew the coop after his accident. I used to get very upset when something like this would happen. I would get panicky and try "fixing" things, and genuinely fuck things up Royally. (is there any other way? ;) ) Recently he answered a circle pay request I sent back in Sept. No communication just the money. It made me really want to speak with him, but I won't force or chase a boy so I waited quietly. 5 days later I sent another with a note saying email me please....
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by on July 17, 2017
Next month I'm heading to wine country! I'm staying in a junior suite at a very lovely spa. There are many opportunities to improve my trip. It's very short so many of these opportunities are affordable to those who put forth effort. Effort is attractive, it turns me on. So make yourself useful, and read on. I have paid for this trip in full, because I am a strong working woman. I would never leave my pleasure trip to another. That being said, I will allow you boys the opportunity to pamper, and...
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by on May 13, 2017
Its been a little over a year here, and its time I made some changes. Some of you boys may notice some changes to my profile. I have changed things up a bit. Made some necessary blocks, and unfriended those I have not chatted with, or been tributes by in the last 8 weeks or less. Which is extremely generous I might add. OR if I don't feel you have been, or will be useful to me, you have been eliminated. I have also been playing in my privacy settings. My photos, and wall are now viewabl...
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by on April 30, 2017
We spend this time weaving our web, attracting our prey, training them, molding them exactly to our liking. Milking them...sometimes furiously in the beginning while your in that "new chemistry cloud" when both parties wonder if tis could be THE ONE? Time is invested, information is shared, a comfortableness grows as boundaries are pushed. The addiction is nurtured and encouraged. With many of us a genuine relationship is formed with that D/s. One that would leave a pretty deep hole if removed f...
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by on February 13, 2017
So I thought I would take minute and share some of my personal life... I am in the process of divorcing and have had to rethink many things, rearrange many more, and cancel even more. I had big plans to apprentice with Domes from the site, local groups, etc over the summer and really learn my craft. I have slowing been coming into an awakening like no other. That of s strong confident woman who does not need a male counterpart to survive. For many years I stayed in an unhappy marriage for...
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by on December 7, 2016
hey all, Ive been writing back and forth with @willnottell and we've decided to put it in a blog series, if there is interest in more we will add, if not well keep it to ourselves. Let us know what you think. He sat there, head throbbing almost as much as his cock. How many nights can he sit swilling beer, watching porn and jerking off until he passes out, usually unfulfilled? when will he find purpose? “I’m a decent guy.. good job, I own my home, nice car. so why then can I not find what Im ...
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by on December 1, 2016
Since Ive come here I've made what I thought were some good sub friends. Some still are, some are not. I've found as the friendship grows, the Domme aspect diminishes for me. Not even sure where Im going with this blog, I think Im looking on an open discussion. To Domes: are there subs that you are strictly friends with? I have had 2 what I consider to be friends subs here. Don't get me wrong, I'm friendly with all subs, enjoy chatting, exchanging ideas etc. But since joining Ive had 2 special ...
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by on September 10, 2016
You asked a while back what it felt like when I do my thing. (The slow burn) I'm a pretty impatient person so first off it isn't easy lol. But I see it like a man would see hunting I guess. I chat with everyone, I'm quite social, surveying the prey field so to speak. Then a sub will catch my eye, I'll see we have something in common, he may be physically attractive to me, he may have made just a flutter of a movement to catch my attention, like a weak little bird. Something about him trips my tr...
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by on August 25, 2016
When I first started here, coming up on 5 months ago, I saw all the beautiful D/s relationships and said to myself "I want that". I let owning a boy become my priority here instead of enjoying the fetish. Long story short My owning experience was a flop, not enough communication, etc. Jumping in with both feet while still in that blissed out honeymoon phase, didn't work for me. The boy wasn't ready, and honestly I don't think it was in his nature. But he agreed to it, to please me, which is in h...
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by on July 28, 2016
so one of my sweet lil pets fucked up. he forgot to trib on time, and disappointed me last week for other reasons. So I gave him some choices.... 1. end chastity challenge at 16 days as planned, but you must cum like a bitch on all fours, in a shot glass, and shoot that bitch when you're done. 2 Wait until I'm through with my work weekend because I will be too tired to deal with it while I'm working. This extends his chastity by more than likely 4 days, because of our work schedules) maki...
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