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Damn it, it finally happened. My favorite pair of Mary Janes are finally dead. They were cheap but I wore them for years and often. I served so many lattes in these as a bikini barista, so many school scenes, so many spankings, and many sexy outfits. They were just so perfect for so many things.
They need a new home. I know someone out there wants to love them more. Contact if interested.
Now, who is buying me a new pair?
I love pencil skirts. They make me look so cute and sophisticated. However, they are frustrating. So imagine: I'm in a pencil skirt and everytime I get annoyed because I cant take a full step you use my cash app to make me less annoyed. Win-win
Also I would love to do a PP with someone in a toggle. And everytime I get mad at these petite steps i have to take I smack you with a paddle. Also win-win 😘
I enjoy taking my anger out on Submissive men.