December 31, 2022
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I say most are not serious when it's taken out of the bedroom. When in Dommespace/subspace, everyone takes it serious. Its very real. When it comes down to males actually getting the shorts into the hamper, or Women deciding where to go eat, it seems to fall apart.
Like April 2, 2023
i know many dommes whose vanilla lives do not reflect their domme side much at all, and others who give intense alpha female energy naturally. to me “dominant” men come off as genuinely very stupid and lack basic emotional intelligence.
Like April 3, 2023
I think the majority are. But there is a percentage who doesn't understand what it is. They just think it's cute.
Like April 11, 2023
I think both genuine subs and genuine Dommes are a minority. On the dominant side, I think a lot are just interested in the financial side with no real kink interest, therefore when they find out you have to work at financial domination they lose interest and either give it up as quickly as they beg... View more
Like July 6, 2023