October 4, 2018
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the silent member
Thank You Miss Alley. No matter how much i tried to rack my brain i couldn't work out the first one. i do feel a bit of a prick for not knowing the second one.
Like May 9, 2019
the silent member
Seriously though risk aware consensual kink does open quite a few cans of worms, legally and ethically. Unlike safe sane and conseual it means you are taking risks, but consent to and relinquish the right to hold others accountable for the risks. i wonder to what extent that could be put into practi... View more
Like May 9, 2019
There is risk in most BDSM play, and these are just approaches, not legal guidelines. You can't consent to anything illegal, so if you consent fully to breathplay and happen to die, the person who choked/suffocated/etc (i.e. killed) you is, of course, going to be held responsible. People consent to... View more
Like May 9, 2019 Edited
the silent member
Thank You Miss Alley. i hope this is the sort of conversation You were seeking to inspire. And You are quite right of course. It's a long established fact that living can be hazardous to your health.
Like May 9, 2019