Queen Ruby
November 25, 2020
26 votes 218 views

Ladies, Do you like to block and if so, how often and when?

This would be interesting to let others know what you think about it and how you implement it.

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Miss North
I don't bother with blocking, I just ignore anything stupid happening in my inbox. They'll tire out soon enough and unfortunately move on to bothering other women who may engage with them.
Like December 17, 2020
I chose Yes, ONLY if they are really annoying me or being abusive, otherwise I could care less.
Like December 17, 2020
đź‘‘Empress Demonia
Disrespect-Blocked. Lurking without shooting your shot although encouraged-Blocked. Annoying and clingy or trolling -Blocked. Begging to serve but no $-Blocked. I’ll sometimes block to fuck with them to teach a lesson maybe even ignore them too until they come correct.
Like December 22, 2020
đź‘‘Empress Demonia
I don’t need unnecessary clutter in my realm
Like December 22, 2020