So, recently, kittenbitch and I have enjoyed playing with other Dommes. It adds a bit of eroticism that we havent explored in the 5 years of his enslavement to me. I'd say it definitely involves trust and complete confidence in one another. I know for a fact that he finds other Dommes beautiful, and attractive. Am I jealous? No way in hell. lol. MY dominance and beauty is simply my own, and it is what captured that white boy and kept him loyal, and will keep him bound to me for all time. However
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I wouldn't mind sharing a trusted sub for a pre-arranged session with another Domme as it can be much more fun. As long as i have a good feeling about the other Domme and the subs intentions then i'm fine with it.
I voted yes, but it's totally situational and can only happen on my terms.
I voted yes, I don’t mind sharing. However, it depends on A LOT of factors and is entirely situational. Some subs I would never share, not for selfish reasons but for their own benefit - like if they’re still learning who they are and aren’t sure of themselves as a submissive. It would be a disservi... View More