September 27, 2020
6 votes 58 views

How many supposed sacrifices are just that and not some fib told to a domme to make her feel like she is actually controlling a sub?

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Mistress Charlotte
I feel that a lot of even genuine submissives top from the bottom by placating us to give the illusion that we have total control. A lot of legitimate submissive are intelligent and successful men, so they know how to be manipulative too for their own benefit. But if doe
Like September 28, 2020
Mistress Charlotte
Done in a healthy way, it can add to the dynamic ** hit enter accidentally. Lol
Like September 28, 2020
Queen Ruby
Lol maybe I am just cynical! Also white lies are healthy and human so you are right!
Like September 28, 2020
I just wander sometimes unless under full financial control, how many sacrifices are actually being sacrificed and not a mere lie. WHile they enjoy the supposed control a domme has over them, their cable"sacrifice" is still being enjoyed by them.
Like September 28, 2020