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I personally have a control problem, and would rather be given giftcard instead of a gift. I decide when and if I will get something, the sub makes that decision to offer up the control of that situation. Great poll.
a tribute is a gift given freely with no expectations,it can be cash or a wishlist item in my opinion.
I would consider them as a tribute, yes. But not to be confused with payments for a service. A sub sending you a gift just because is nice, but sending a "gift" in hopes that it'll cover required costs for a session or such, I don't find it acceptable then.
I do not because there are backdoor ways to make it show as purchased, but it’ll never arrive. I’ve had subs try to use it as a tool for free interaction and got burned in my early days as a Domme. Gifts are thoughtful and I LOVE getting them, especially from trusted subs. I just can’t accept it as ... View more