Meaning, is it hotter to see a woman in bondage and imagine yourself? Or a male? I thought it strange when I discovered my sub enjoys seeing female subs in bondage. Then realized, he isnt turned on by the male body. lol. So, he wasnt lusting after it in a Dom way, but a slut way.
Sexuality is so very interesting and complex.
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Right I viewed some pictures a sub had or female bondage and it was quite questionable
June 6, 2020
Probably neither. I don't care much for kink porn; it's so over the top and the main appeal of bondage cannot be viewed externally, but is derived from that mental subspace. I guess there's some appeal to seeing someone well-skilled in demonstrating knot work or something, in which case a female m... View More
When I allow my slave to view bondage, it's almost always some classy done up female sub locked into bondage of some sort.
June 17, 2020