June 2, 2020
22 votes 288 views

Since it's Pride month, I figure it might be fun to see how many of us are members of the community! I'm bi/pan myself. Had to show off one of my favorite shirts!

Poll has anon responses just in case you want to respond, but aren't out (I think -- is it working on your end, guys? Let me know!).

(If anyone here has a problem with that gay shit, leave your homophobia off my post unless you want to get reamed, thanks.)

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while i a not gay, i fully support the rights of members of the LGBTQ community. my daughters god father was gay (he has since passed away)
Like June 2, 2020
Interesting! I believe the term for that would be "heteroromantic bisexual," if you ever wanted to get technical, but labels can get so messy, LOL. Whatever the term, you like what you like! And women ARE damn attractive.
Like June 2, 2020
I'm also bi/pan! Actually had a long term girlfriend before i ever had a boyfriend.
Like June 8, 2020
Cis-gendered heterosexual but I am an ally.
Like June 17, 2020