on April 7, 2020
Made my slave erase some of his porn today.
He doesnt need it.
I want total control over my property, and you'll find yourself willingly handing it over - no questions asked.
We've been using a program for me to remotely control his computer. At any time I decide, I log in... and delete, rearrange, or whatever pleases me.
Categories: Slaves
Dimension: 900 x 1350
File Size: 356.43 Kb
4 Liked
4 people like this.
thank You Goddess for making me do this and realizing that You are all that i need.
Like April 8, 2020
Absolutely love this. What program are you using?
Like April 8, 2020
We've found splashdot to be affordable and easy to use./
Like April 8, 2020