the premise is simple. I will post first...the person whom posts under me if it is a domme will say duck,
no pictures or emojis are to be used only the word duck or goose.
Unless of course you wish to gift the person that posted before you, in that case you will post Goose if you are a domme, again no pics just the word.A boy can post duck under a dommes post but that opens him up to being goosed by someone below his post which means he owes that person a gift card. If a boy posts goose he is only obligated to gift the domme above him....dommes are allowed to gift other dommes, subs can gift other subs,lol...and I strongly encourage subs to goose dommes:) in a kind manner of course.;) The minimum is $5 amazon gift card. DO NOT PESTER SUBS TO PAY YOU MORE THAN THE MINIMUM OF $5 IF THEY DO NOT WISH IT, ONLY $5 IS REQUIRED.