I have just had a very good twisted boy pay for a hotel room for me and one of my toys to enjoy ourselves in. I could always use more so inclined pets. If you would like to contribute to my sexy shenannigans, inbox for more info.


The first time I simply paid for a date -- without knowing any details (dinner? theater?  clubbing?) was intoxicating.  Wondering what, or if, she told the guy about me.  Wondering what, or if, he thought of me.

Paying for an actual hotel room?   For the king-sized bed ... the crisp white sheets ... the complimentary breakfast the (gulp) next morning ... now that is overwhelmingly erotic.


whats even better is buying me and him coffee at starbucks in the morning.


Paying for an actual hotel room?   For the king-sized bed ... the crisp white sheets ... the complimentary breakfast the (gulp) next morning ... now that is overwhelmingly erotic.



@Rimbaud  Care to share more on your thoughts?


Well ... theoretically of course ... I would think that a sub in that situation ... well, *any* of your pets who are so inclined as to respond to your invitation above ...

... would be finding the anticipation both agonizing and delicious, like an itch than can't be scratched enough.  

Particularly if he knows that The Other Guy is aware of him, and his predicament ... that the other guy is confused but intrigued by the whole cuckold dynamic ... amused to think that there's a submissive chap somewhere actually paying for the arrangements that he is all too happy to benefit from ... amazed to be told that not only is the submissive guy paying for the date, but that in the meantime he has also agreed to surrender and forego his own physical pleasure ... because for some reason that pleases and amuses *her.*  


And of course it goes without saying that from the time the room is reserved until the date, the sub should practice self-denial; and he should of course be in chastity all night the night the room is in use.  Naturally.   


in an ideal world they would be confined before, during and after.


And then he gets a text at nine AM, informing him that checkout time is noon.  So he'll have to remain caged during his 11 AM appointment ... 


everything was delightful, so relaxing...thank you, good job.


And then it is over.  It has happened.  It is no longer his fantasy; it is now his reality, and his identity.  He is a bonafide hotel fincuck, a man who pays for the room in which his domme enjoys the company of another man, and he will never NOT bear that secret shame again ...



Cuck: like believing that it amuses and arouses you when I pay. And then I assume that he benefits from your arousal. I'm not sure I can honestly say that I like THAT ... but I also can't deny that I do get unavoidably, helplessly, shamefully aroused, myself, at the thought ...

any of you boys get like this? Want to get like this? im only an inbox away.