
I've been working on my latest website and it's really coming along. It is so pretty too! Here are the drafts I have to work on:

How to avoid being blacklisted

How to serve ME

Bitch list

My audios & videos

Expectations and protocol

Ignore session

Session request form



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Poll: Did you check out my website?
September 28, 2022
Did you check out my website?
IMG_4272.jpg 128.9 Kb . 29 Views
Last update on September 28, 3:45 pm by evilhelena.

Off to a good start! I like the interactive feel, and data collection for news letters etc. It would also be nice to attach it to a Twitter to collect more names for newsletters and as a backup to Twitt land.


Thank you for the feedback! Twitter has been added.


Updates: more pretty things have been added and Twitter was fixed

Last update on September 28, 8:45 pm by evilhelena.