
Hello Hello fellow queens and lesser human cash machines~!

To the man things reading this, I am your new obsession and whether you like it or not, you will eventually be drawn in~ The beta males all fall into place like puzzle pieces eventually~ <3 To my wonderful queens and equals in this world, I'm always there for a good banter and giving out lil compliments~

I am what I call a Sweet Bitch. I can be nice and sweet, praising submissive men that they've done a wonderfully good job and how proud I am they willingly just hand over their money as tribute but at the flip of a switch I can bve cruel, mean and make sure behind those sweet comments the men beneath me know their place~

I am a magpie, I love all that sparkles and glimmers~ Swarovski crystals being a great favourite of mine to collect~ <3 I wish to have the colourful birds collection next. That and many other things in time. My favourite shoes brand is Irregular choice and I adore clothes from Dangerfield~

I can't wait to hear from you, and your incredible need to send me tribute~ <3

Love Your New Obsession, Her Highness Haile~