
You may call me: Mistress, Mistress Piaf, Madame, Maîtresse, or Maîtresse Piaf. Goddess is also acceptable. I am a hopefully-soon-to-be-ex-English teacher (yes, I am silently correcting your grammar. It's fine.) and librarian (also a book and language nerd. Shocker.) by trade, and a francophile (though I strive to be a polyglot), yoga instructor, and dancer to keep me sane and happy.

I don't naturally have a sadistic itch, unless I deem someone a garbage human. (If you're looking for cruelty, tell me your political leanings and you've got a 50/50 shot of landing on my Garbage Human list and igniting my sadistic embers.) If you're not vile, I am a reasonably caring and nurturing Mistress, though strict when necessary. Don't get on my bad side, and you won't have to worry about anything else. Whine at me, and you will see my bad side very quickly.

I also love culture and traveling, and have a few choice nonprofits related to dance and animals that I volunteer with extensively. Any of my pets that wish to support that will hold a special place in my heart and be much more likely to get special treats from me. These will never include nudes of me. Fin.

I require a show of appreciation tribute before we can discuss any kind of arrangement. If that is a problem, then we will not discuss anything at all. There will be some thorough discussion of goals/intentions/motivations and finances before any arrangements are made, and bien sûr you should come prepared to tell me what you have to offer me. My time belongs to me and me alone, and I owe you nothing regardless of what you give to me. If you are pleasant to talk to, I am likely to spend more time talking to you. If I am busy (which I often am in the evening), you will exercise your patience and not become an irritating pest. Try making demands and see how it goes for you. Wax poetic about how perfect my feet are, and you'll be much more likely  to warm the cockles of heart. :two_hearts:

I also work on NiteFlirt and SextPanther. If you would like to find me there, the links are in my profile bio.


Last update on March 24, 6:42 pm by MadamePiaf.

Hi mistress


Send me a PM if you'd like to chat.