Mistress Charlotte

What payment methods do you use BESIDES Amazon GC's?

I have noticed over time that the submissives that keep their kink in the closet wether from a partner, or whomever... favor wishlist shopping and GC's exclusively to keep bank statements clear of signs of kink. Not that I mind it or don't accept it as a payment / tribute method (yes there's a difference), but I'm curious as to the other options out there.

For those with submissives or submissives themselves that keep this side of themselves from their partner or whomever, besides wishlists and GC's on Amazon - how do you pay your Dommes? I know you can add to your PayPal or CashApp balance and do that, right?


If you have a cash app account you can get a cash app card that works just like an ATM card it also gives a bank and routing number like a run-of-the-mill bank would do, as well can be used just like a normal ATM/debit card. Cash app cards I believe can be loaded with cash like a Green Dot PayPal or any type of prepaid card which helps to hide a paper trail. .. hope this helps


Queen Ruby

It's difficult because I'm uk and Europeans can't use cashapp but we do have verse.me which is like cash.app I also except payment to a gift list where you can pay money in instead I think one is called eleivery code and the other is things to get me. So people can just pay you cash there which looks less sinsiter as well. In fact delivery Code is a great alternative to amazon giftlist. That's really interesting about the cash app card Matilda. I know that a few guys have paid me on delivery code which worked well.


I forgot about that overseas aspect.. does PayPal work internationally because PayPal cards can be loaded with cash as well. Kind of the same aspect as the cash app card. Personally I don't care for PayPal but that's just my experience with it I think it's pain in the f****** ass.



I have several boys in the uk and they send to me via cash app all the time, im not sure  how if you cant seem to use it.

Mistress Charlotte

What if they're not American, or from the UK, so the options are more limited?



PayPal has Xoom (I think it's called) which is international, you would have to see if there are counties that are exempt, however its linked to PayPal, so I would think if you have a PayPal card it would work the same way, Ie; withdrawing, loading, sending etc


I require privacy and a way to cover my tributes. I am a one man business so my method may not apply for everyone. I set up an account with an online bank that issued me a debit card. When I do certain jobs I have my client make the check out to me. I mobile deposit that check into my online account and then transfer that money to Mistress. That way there is no evidence on our vanilla accounts plus I feel as if I am actually working for her. I do the work but never see the money basically. I do technically own it when it's in my account but it never feels like it's mine. I also have a separate Amazon account with no link or trace to our personal one. I stick to wishtender and Amazon as far as tribute methods.