
I've been looking around the site for a while, and I'm loving the environment so far. Talking to people, making new friends... But I figure I should put out a more formal call for subs, let you know what it is I'm looking for.

A little about me first: I'm Robyn. You can call me Mistress, Miss, or Goddess. I'm not as picky about the terms you use as I am about your respect. I've been a Domme for years, and have had fantasies about it even before I started. When people ask me what kinks I have, it's hard to list them, because I love so many. If I had to describe a unifying aspect of all of them, though, it would be humiliation. The mental aspect of it attracts me to a kink more than anything else. Things like bootlicking, watersports, forced crossdressing, painplay, anal (with you receiving), and lots of degrading dirty talk all fall under that umbrella. It's freeing to me to get into Dommespace and get inside a submissive's head. The psychology behind kink has always interested me, so the more you tell me, the better!

Also - I LOVE roleplay scenarios. They let you really try out some of the more "extreme" fetishes (microphilia? vore? transformation? who knows!), and act out different personas. I get very into that. I mean, have you ever thought about Bruce Wayne being Robin (well, Robyn's) finsub? Come on. It writes itself. If you're into any sort of roleplay kink, DEFINITELY let me know. So hard to find subs who are into it in this scene! It's not required, but boy do I have fun with it.

But what am I looking for in a sub?

If you'd like to be my submissive, here are some traits I prioritize:

  • Honesty. I need to know your likes, dislikes, and hard limits. I'm not an unnecessarily cruel Mistress. It gives me pleasure when I can drive a man out of his mind by figuring out what he craves and just how hard to push him. I also want to know when something's on your mind. You can tell me anything.
  • Patience. I won't devote every second of my day to chatting with you and answering right away. That isn't my job. If I'm displeased with you, I'll let you know. You won't need to send me messages asking what you did wrong every 5 minutes if I don't respond right away. I love chatting, but I don't tolerate subs demanding my time. Be respectful.
  • Personality. And by this I mean inside and out of our playtimes. I'm not a mean 24/7 Domme who just wants to spit on you and take your money (unless you discuss it with me first and want that sort of dynamic). I want to feel some sort of a connection. We're both people at the end of the day, and we should treat each other like so.
  • Intelligence. You don't have to be a genius, but I enjoy someone I can connect with on an intellectual level.
  • Humor. Being serious all the time is no fun. At least have some sense of humor so that you don't take one of my inevitable jokes the wrong way.
  • Trust. This goes both ways, and goes along with honesty above. We have to trust each other for a D/s relationship to work out. You trust me to give you what you need - that release, giving up control, letting a strong Dominant Woman make your decisions for you - and I'll trust you to communicate with me, and to show your appreciation.

And that brings us to the last thing, the final component that we're all on this specific site for: $$$

You don't have to be rich to approach me. You don't have to make 100k a year to satisfy me. Your money is a part of your control and your power, so giving that up to me, even a small amount, shows me that you're willing to trust in me and want to make me happy. Gifts, tributes, buying my content... All of it shows me that you're committed to this power exchange, from $5 to $500. I'll even help you with your budget to figure out how much you need for yourself if you'd like, giving you an allowance to meet your needs while still keeping me happy. Just be willing to work with me and I'll work with you in return.

If you want to give me an even more detailed idea of who you are and what you're about, I have a formal finsub application here:

I don't require a minimum tribute amount to fill out the form, but a tribute to go along with it will help me know how serious you are about this. I'm sure neither of us want to waste our precious time! My payment methods are listed in my info.

So get in touch. Short-term is fun, but ideally, I would like to collar a sub or two eventually. Maybe even work with another Domme to tag-team a sub at some point, that sounds like a good time. :) Whatever you're after, reach out! The worst I can say is no.

