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by on September 4, 2020
About me As a few may already know. I pretty much keep to myself unless I want to state my opinion. I am busy brushing up on my skills, tending to the subs who already serve me, and yes, I am always learning. I like to keep up to date. I am very open about my lifestyle with my family and friends. I understand, if you cannot be open. I am very down to earth, I can be serious at times, and other times I like to laugh. I am very direct with my words. Yes, my words can cut like a knife. In other ...
240 views 1 like
by on December 19, 2019
afindommesdiary.com A Tribute A Day Keeps The Timewasters Away? Any Findomme has probably received many DM's from submissives wanting to talk, yet not wanting to tribute first. They might say 'oh I have been scammed before so I just want to chat first.' or they might not say anything at all and they will just keep talking. However, when you see these 'submissives' they almost always expect verification from a Findomme. Most Findommes offer various forms of verification. However, why can th...
1.6k+ views 17 likes
by on September 10, 2019
   Back in the day, of old school online BDSM chatroom, there were certain rules of etiquette. These rules helped establish roles and beginning training. Unfortunately, some of these have become quite relaxed in use.     The use of capital and lower case when addressing someone or your own name/pronouns indicated the role of submissive or Dominant. A Domme would never use a lower case "i" to refer to their self, that lower case indicates submission. Nor would their names be lower case. ...
436 views 5 likes
by on September 4, 2019
"Why is he here if he is owned?" is something I was asked about my owned sub. I have a few reasons for allowing my submissive to remain on this website. 1. They can answer questions, other subs may have, about me.  Those prospective subs may be too shy to ask me but might approach my sub. Yes, subs do talk amongst themselves.  ...
324 views 10 likes
by on September 2, 2019
Loyalty means so much to me. It is an important characteristic of any relationship, whether BDSM or vanilla. Seems few understand the meaning. Fealty should be given for a relationship to flourish and grow.  loy·al·ty /ˈloiəltē/ noun the quality of being loyal. a strong feeling of support or allegiance. ...
260 views 2 likes
by on February 12, 2019
You know why you're here. You know that your place in this world is below your Superiors, serving, to worship, to do everything you can to please your Goddess. You're not a real man- and you accept it. The real challenge for subs (especially new ones) Is taking the leap and approaching a domme. Whats the right way? What do i say? Don't be scared to interact with a Domme. We don't bite, and we want to see if there's a good connection just as you do. What's the point without it? You come acro...
739 views 5 likes
by on December 16, 2018
Hey Everyone!! Lately I've been talking to some of my friends about what the expectation of a Domme is, I guess you could say. It was very interesting to see some of the things that were discussed. The one thing that I got from it by just observing the discussion is, why is there an expectation of what a Domme should and shouldn't do? One thing I also can't help to notice and I'm sure you all have to is, Domme's are all different and beautiful in their own way. Some may have one way of operat...
614 views 3 likes
by on December 15, 2018
Hey Everyone!! I wanted to kinda just talk or post about this since it's been on my mind for awhile. So i've been into Femdom about 10 years and Findom about 8 years (on and off). I came back very recently full time and it's very different. I've been trying to stretch my little Findomme wings and have been severly kink shamed. It's crazy because I have always felt very welcome in the fet community but not lately. I am very grateful for this site because I feel very welcome among people who un...
498 views 3 likes
by on December 8, 2018
After a very long week and month.  Because Mercury finally is straight (yes I'm a DOMME who likes astrology and astronomy) the better way to unwind is to play with some subs.    ...
530 views 0 likes
by on November 19, 2018
I have become convinced that everyone falls somewhere on what I call a Dominance/submission continuum. Most of society falls close to the middle while those of us in the M/s and D/s communities are outliers falling closer to the Dominance or submissive ends of the spectrum. Despite this reality, our society teaches all of its males that they are "are kings" and need not submit to anyone. This teaching is reinforced by family, schools, churches and other organizations with which we deal with on a...
460 views 1 like
by on November 12, 2018
Sometimes, it's hard to imagine that a Domme can have actual emotion and empathy deep down in their sadistic twisted hearts. But... We do. Findommes are so often painted as money-hungry whores. So very few know the true meaning and the exhilaration for the parties involved. When you're not involved in it, it's easy to look into our looking glass and think we are heartless and cruel. But... We care. We gain emotional attachments to our subs. We care about your lives at home and work, the fa...
433 views 8 likes
by on October 10, 2018
For long term devotion, serve a Domme whose beauty, dominance and values shine both inside & out. If your admiration of Her is only at the surface level, your servitude will remain surface-level too. Find something I can train you, but I wont waste my time. I can care about you, but break a rule Il replace youI can humiliate you, but I'll always remember aftercare, I can rinse you, drain you, having you sending till you cant,  but I wont leave you with nothing. This is what it's like to be min...
479 views 0 likes