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by on April 27, 2021
Hello powerful dommes and submissive financial slaves, I wanted to write a blog on being an ethical domme, and I hope to hear some comments from submissives and dommes.  What are your views on dominating ethically, and being dominated ethically? ...
500 views 5 likes
by on December 19, 2019
afindommesdiary.com A Tribute A Day Keeps The Timewasters Away? Any Findomme has probably received many DM's from submissives wanting to talk, yet not wanting to tribute first. They might say 'oh I have been scammed before so I just want to chat first.' or they might not say anything at all and they will just keep talking. However, when you see these 'submissives' they almost always expect verification from a Findomme. Most Findommes offer various forms of verification. However, why can th...
1.6k+ views 17 likes
by on September 9, 2019
Whilst looking at different profiles on various platforms there seems to be a plethora of payment systems subs can use to tribute their Domme. But still it seems quite common for subs to (perhaps stupidly) ask if they can tribute another way to those suggested in a Domme’s profile. I was wondering if this is because the sub is having to hide certain ways of paying from others in their life or if they felt their personal information could be mis used. So my question is - is there a payment platfo...
1.1k+ views 2 likes
by on February 7, 2019
I’m contemplating new streams of revenue and am looking for someone interested in investing a certain amount of money in stocks or funds that pay high dividend yields and then transfer those yields over to me every month.  I think this would be quite lucrative for me.   Additionally, I’m looking for Uber drivers who are willing to provide me their earnings, either daily or if you can’t afford that, then maybe one or two days earnings per week.  I’m also looking for someone who will go get ...
498 views 3 likes