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From My blog at Mistress Kiara's Dungeon
First off, sorry that this blog is so late! I usually aim to release a blog during the first week of each month, but things got a little hectic this time around. I had to take My oldest sweet kitty to the emergency vet for a very scary-looking issue involving a lot of blood in the litter box. Fortunately, it was just a bladder infection and he’s back home and fine now. But in the chaos, I completely forgot to write this blog! So without further ado, le...
From My blog at Mistress Kiara's Dungeon
In case you didn’t notice, things are looking great for the coming year! In 2020, I made over 6 figures with Domination as My only source of income, and there’s no WAY I’m stopping in 2021! I know things were a bit concerning with the SISEA bill, but thanks to the ‘lame duck’ period, it has been thrown out. It’s not QUITE a victory, since they could just easily reintroduce the bill (or a similar one), but at least it’s no longer an imminent threat!
Full blog & free clip available on My website! Click Here Now!
Remember when I was like, “2020 is gonna be My year!”? Well, things haven’t quite started out according to plan… First, I was sick for New Years and was really worried that I wouldn’t be able to make it to My planned tattoo appointment on the 7th. Luckily, I was feeling better by the 6th, but when I messaged doughboy to schedule our cash meet so that he could pay Me for the tattoo, he was feeling sick. he still go...
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I’m so sorry for the delay in the site upgrades and the months of downtime...
Okay Royal Dynasty here comes the fun part. As we switch over to the new upgraded formatting of the ...
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