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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 3, 2017
Okay so let me start off by saying that all of you that has helped me with advice on this site, THANKYOU! I have learned so much and got such great types by my fellow Kinksters! with that being said, I want to take the time on this cold night to explain why exactly I came on this site. First things first, this site is just awesome! secondly on other fetish sites, you know, where its a social network for millions of people with fetishes, all not the same, all different in ways but still there for the same purpose. Anyway, when I started off as a sugar baby, I realized that I wanted more and I wanted to be demanding. when I was told that I was leaning more towards the Findom way, I researched it and realized that was exactly who I was. So like any other advid believer, I promoted it. I got so much hate and was shammed basically for my FETISH! why? I don't judge you for your own fetishes? I kept to myself in aspects as well. If I didn't like what you were into, I wouldn't make a point to put you on blast on a site where again people with fetishes all come together. I don't understand why Findom is frowned upon. I think there is nothing wrong with it. I love it actually. Just because I am into this lifestyle , does not make me a lazy human being. I go to work and live like any other normal person on this earth.....

so thank you for making a page dedicated to the one thing I love the most, FINDOM

so I just wanted to share with you guys my story. :) hope I didn't bore you too much. I kind of like this blog thing.... I suck at writing but.. im getting the hang of it