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Cash Verified Slaves
by on March 1, 2017
Today I would like to talk and vent about my life as a Findom. Some days its easy and others... mostly others are just flat out hard.Yes I have a real job in reality. I work hard to pay my bills ect. Some women are strickly on the internet with this lifestyle (I wish). Im looking for advice as to where you ladies have more luck on. I am currently on Twitter and IG and I just refuse to go on Fetlife now because of how many scammers there truly is now. Another thing that really gets me is the fact that all of these goddesses have so many slave who cannot have more than just 1 godedess. Ive been looking everywhere, all of these slaves are taken. UGHHHHHHH! Not all the time am I this frustrated. But seems like now its becoming more a hassle. Ive been running into a lot of men who say that they will make tributes and talk themselves up and send endless amount of messages but when it comes time to tribute they are "at work" and cant right now. like seriously? don't message me an endless amount of times and then when it comes time fore you to show what you've been brsgging about and then all of a sudden you are busy ? ugh the struggle. any advice? any other places to look? please keep me informed. thanks!
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