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Cash Verified Slaves
by on February 25, 2017
So I would like to take the time to show my appreciation for this site.
Ive been on other sites and Findom is really frowned upon by others and they just do not understand the art around it. the reason why I became a findom has a lot to do with past relationships and not having that "control" as you would say. being mentally abused for so long made me such an angry person deep down and now I can use it to my full advantage on my slaves. I love the money but i also LOVE LOVE LOVE the power i have on somebody. Ive been doing this now for about 4 years and as i continue this lifestyle, i learn new things everyday. What i hope to get out of this is more fellow domes who share the same interests as me and obviously a slave to satisfy my selfish but so addicting needs. My goal is to become a well known Domme around the community and potentially make this a career. i know that they are out there and i would kill to be one. If any of you slaves are reading this i am currently looking for a new slave to let me walletrape you and use you as a human atm as i have many needs. feel free to message me or add me as a friend. Sorry if this is kind of thrown around with the topic and such. im just super excited to start my new journey on this site!!!!! hope to hear from you soon. oxoxoox will keep you guys posted on my journey!