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Cash Verified Slaves
by on February 20, 2017
There will be a few on here who know of me as I am on chat quite a lot during the evenings (UK time) but I thought I would attempt a blog post! I say attempt as I am quite rubbish at blogging! I tend to go off topic, write whatever comes off the top of my head as if I am talking verbal diarrhea.


I am Lady HB. I’m a 27 year old Domme from the South East of the UK. I have been in and out of the BDSM since I was 18 however, it is only recently that I have decided that I am a Domme. For years, I always deemed myself as a submissive, just because of what I like in the bedroom – I do enjoy a nice bit of bondage. I had a few proper real sessions with Doms but I never felt like I truly wanted to serve them, I mean I did I was told but up to a certain point and in my head the whole time I was always going ‘I don’t want to do this’. The Doms would try and control me when we were not together, online and in everyday things and I never did what I was told because if I didn’t want to do it, I never did it. So I stopped looking and meeting Doms. I was feeling like maybe it wasn’t for me, the BDSM community. But there was always something nagging me, knawing away at me. I tried to go completely vanilla but it just never felt right, there has been no ‘man’ that has felt on the same level of me in terms of the relationship that I was looking. Something was missing.

And so we come to last year. I was talking to a guy on an online dating app and we soon discovered that we both enjoy a bit more than just vanilla. He made it apparent early in this discovery of each other, that he likes to be controlled. ‘Oh,’ I thought. ‘Not for me then.’ I didn’t back out though, as we were very generously flirting with each other and soon I was controlling him. It was then, I felt as a cloud was lifting. Something clicked into place and I realised that for my entire life I have been a Domme.

Just because of what I like in the bedroom, does not mean I am submissive. Throughout my life I have been a leader of sorts in many different areas of my life, I take control of situations frequently so it is only natural that I come to the conclusion that I am a Domme.

2016 was the year that I felt I was finally gaining control of my life, without the femdom aspect added to it and since then it is the happiest I have been.

So as a Domme, what do I like? What sort of Domme am I?

I am not one to take life too seriously. And so if I am enjoying something, do I have a serious face? Do I heck! I’ll be most likely cracking up laughing (if I’m not crying out in pleasure). Especially when it comes to willies. HA! They are a most hilarious thing, funny looking things :D I will laugh all day and attempt to come up with witty remarks for them. Even when giving out a whipping, I will most likely be cracking up laughing.

I say most likely, I have not yet had the opportunity to have real time. I am most definitely a sadistic person. I have always known this to be very true about myself. I’m always the one to laugh first before checking if someone is ok when they have hurt themselves (unless it is a major serious incident of course!!) especially when it has been via me.

I love the mental side of being a Domme. The control over someone. Especially online. The power I feel when someone has just done as I told them to do all through online or phone. To have that power over someone when not near them, I find that so thrilling. I enjoy the slow wearing them down, like a fox hunting its prey. Like a pig slowly roasting over a fire, making sure it’s nice and succulent before eating. That is where the findom comes into. I love the control it gives me, having that much control over someone to have them hand over their money, or gift me. It’s a wonderful and thrilling feeling.

I would love to do real time but I will not rush into it. It is something that does not need to be rushed into. And it would be with a sub who I would get to know first very well.

So that’s a bit about me and my attempt at a blog post. Pretty much turned into a bit of ramble – I am much better at writing fiction!

If you have questions, please do not be scared, I don’t bite. Often ;)