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Mistress Paradoxe
by on February 1, 2017
I just wanted to update everyone - yes and I am still alive and well and still in the scene!

The main reason I haven't been as active on here is honestly because I am a bit consumed with all the political goings on in America at the moment, and I don't think I can really prevent it from spilling over. I try not to be political on here. It's not part of this world for me and it would make me uncomfortable to have that be a part of this world.

Aside from that, I am also in school and taking extra classes this semester so it turns out my time is a little crunched as it is. So, on top of classes, extracurriculars, and me time, politics is taking a lot out of me lately.

I do miss everybody on here. I am sure I will pick back up on here in time once my schedule becomes more routine. Hopefully the politics die down a bit as well, but only time will tell.

To make some use of this blog, I guess I will ask, how do other people on here (both subs and dommes) compartmentalize their lives efficiently? I am curious to know other people's methods and reasoning. Maybe some of you don't compartmentalize at all.

For me, politics is such a huge part of my interest that it's hard not to get caught up in. My question isn't about politics as much as it is any type of compartmentalization.

I miss you all. I am always around and will probably respond to direct emails faster than messages on here. My birthday is in a week, so you may see me around a bit more since this is prime time for celebrating moi ;)