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Cam Verified Domme
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Cam Verified Domme
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I’m not sure how many of my fellow Domme’s have been presented with this line despite being cam verified but i can not express how annoying it is.
I find it extremely insulting, not to myself but towards the support staff who give up their time to manually verify the Dommes on the site when a sub says they are in disbelief of someones authenticity (despite having received the stamp of verification on their profiles). I find it insulting as to me it says they are in doubt of the intellect of the women who are responsible for verification, and seem to think somehow it’s possible for them to completely f**k up.
Part of me refuses to believe these subs who are in ‘disbelief’ seriously believe i or any other Dommes are not real, especially if they are aware of the procedures that go into place to verify us all. What the phrase ‘I don’t believe you are real’ or ‘I don’t even believe your photographs are yours’ is a ‘subs’ conniving way of trying to prompt Dommes for either customised photographs, Skype time, and meets. By voicing disbelief without any reason to have done so, is what they believe is their smart way in manipulating a Domme to get what they want. And i see right though it.
I know this because having spoke to other women who have experienced the same criticism, when trying to resolve the problem with photographs such as with them showing their username/current time and date, the subs they were dealing with were still unsatisfied, and instead request an image with their names in it instead. To me requests like that expose the fact the sub was never in disbelief but in fact just after a photograph that has been taken custom to their requests.
I for one will not tolerate this behaviour, If i am told by a sub they are unsure of my authenticity i will not bend over backwards trying to prove myself.
I will not come onto cam even for a second.
And i especially will not be taking any photographs at their requests.
A D/S relationship to me is one that is built from a foundation of trust, and the notion that a Dommes satisfaction takes top priority. And once i feel that has been understood and established by a sub, only then will i think about skyping, sending photographs or meeting a sub.
I find it extremely insulting, not to myself but towards the support staff who give up their time to manually verify the Dommes on the site when a sub says they are in disbelief of someones authenticity (despite having received the stamp of verification on their profiles). I find it insulting as to me it says they are in doubt of the intellect of the women who are responsible for verification, and seem to think somehow it’s possible for them to completely f**k up.
Part of me refuses to believe these subs who are in ‘disbelief’ seriously believe i or any other Dommes are not real, especially if they are aware of the procedures that go into place to verify us all. What the phrase ‘I don’t believe you are real’ or ‘I don’t even believe your photographs are yours’ is a ‘subs’ conniving way of trying to prompt Dommes for either customised photographs, Skype time, and meets. By voicing disbelief without any reason to have done so, is what they believe is their smart way in manipulating a Domme to get what they want. And i see right though it.
I know this because having spoke to other women who have experienced the same criticism, when trying to resolve the problem with photographs such as with them showing their username/current time and date, the subs they were dealing with were still unsatisfied, and instead request an image with their names in it instead. To me requests like that expose the fact the sub was never in disbelief but in fact just after a photograph that has been taken custom to their requests.
I for one will not tolerate this behaviour, If i am told by a sub they are unsure of my authenticity i will not bend over backwards trying to prove myself.
I will not come onto cam even for a second.
And i especially will not be taking any photographs at their requests.
A D/S relationship to me is one that is built from a foundation of trust, and the notion that a Dommes satisfaction takes top priority. And once i feel that has been understood and established by a sub, only then will i think about skyping, sending photographs or meeting a sub.
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