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by on January 23, 2017
After seeing so much drama playing out on twitter,I seriously felt the need to share some advice with you my readers.(Post taken from my personal blog)

Hosting and creating drama does indeed draw attention to your brand,but it does not reflect in a positive light. We are all supposed to be mature individuals,and yes I realize that some of the males in the scene are throw backs from the stone age,but we as women should be above such BS.

As human beings we are not going to like every single person,male or female that we come into contact with in the fetish scene,but we can control how we react to them. That is part and parcel of being an adult.

If you are offended or disgusted by something that you see another person doing(so long as it is not illegal)let it go. There is no need to jump on their ass crying foul! Grow up,and learn to use your block,mute,or hide button. Most likely that person has no idea who the hell you are,nor did they post with the intention of getting your goat. Don't make shit personal that just isn't. Now even if the slim possibility existed that a tweet or post was directed at you,ignore it. I know,I know that we are Dominant women who take no shit from no one,but it smears your reputation when you engage in petty insult ploys,and that is something that you do not need. It is massively difficult to rebrand or repair a damaged rep,and your rep is one part of the equation which attracts submissives. Now why would you cut your nose off to spite your face eh?

I personally care for very few people,and actually like even less,but you would never know from looking at my TL. I do not call out fellow females,even when provoked. The only slurs I have been known to hurl are directed straight at the weaker sex(males)...and only when truly deserved.

Blasting and bashing announces to the world that you do not have your shit together. That you lack self-control,and domination is ALL about control,so if you cannot control your reactions and actions,than how in the hell are you going to responsibly handle,control,and care for those that serve you?? Yes wank stankers will find amusement in your lack of control,but decent worthy gents will now abstain from your service. Those males that are worth having in service are not interested in women who show such weakness,when women are meant to be a beacon of strength in Femdom.

Keep this in mind the next time you are tempted to lash out. Actions have consequences,and shitting where you eat(proverbially) does not make for a fine meal.