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Cash Verified Slaves
by on January 11, 2017

As my previous blog stated, I was very much a community piggy in 2016. I was selective who I spoiled, but it was great. Made many awesome friends along the way. The monthly ritual of counting down til payday was a feeling I loved. It was actually being a community slave that drove me to push self chastisement. 2016 I only released 10x all year. I have said it umpteen times before, but this site is the first time I've ever felt I truly belong.


I've not been remotely secret about who my new owner is- nor shall I start to be. Princess Lydia is amazing in every way. The suggestion came completely out of the blue and I never looked back. The monthly countdown to payday is still maintained, the only difference is I have a sole purpose. One amazing individual manipulating me and making me feel oh so weak. How is this any different? I trust my Domme beyond words as She knows me so well. She knows my paydays and She knows my income/bills. I no longer have to restrain myself and "be careful." I can just let it go and I know Princess knows my limits (a damn site better than I do a lot of the time!) I've lost count how many times I've actually begged to be rinsed- and Princess has rightly pointed out that a broke piggy is no use to Her. It's liberating to be allowed to feel so weak and not need to worry or "be sensible." My chastity control has been taken to another level aswell. She keeps teasing me relentlessly- far more than being unowned ever was! I've not even been locked a fortnight and it's on par with a month (feelings wise) from last years. It's not just chastity and financial control I'm enjoying, my bladder control is growing faster than I ever thought possible. As a person I am growing beyond words and it's all thanks to Princess Lydia.

How I Feel?

Those who know me know I've spent the best part of 18months solely searching for a RT Domme. A few bad experiences in both Fem/findom nearly drove me away. Having a trans-Atlantic Domme would never have been imagined 6 months ago. Yet I've never been happier. I've been editing this blog for days, my feelings changing ever more emotional every day. Even when I'm struggling- Princess adapts. I'll admit tonight (11/1) I finally confessed to struggling with someone else controlling my chastity... Naturally being unlocked is not a solution, but an alternative arrangement has been put in place that is hopefully more attainable. I adore You Princess Lydia. Thank You again for everything :) ߐ