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Cash Verified Slaves
by on January 9, 2017
Over the past few days I have been on the receiving end of more insults than the previous 6 months. Odd eh? No rhyme,nor pattern as they have been hurled by those that I have had zero past or present contact with. I have been called a hag,a slag,a whore,and more lol.

Why do you think it is that absolute strangers feel compelled to attempt to downgrade those that have done them no ill? Is it insecurity driven? Do the abusers believe that it somehow elevates them in stature to toss vile words at others? Do they do so in an attempt to distract themselves from the failure of the life they live? Is it done with the hope that they may pass upon to me the pain that they themselves feel within? Am I merely an opportune target for the moment?

A further theory as to the motivation of such actions is the hope that I will return like with like,thereby providing them with the humiliation and degradation they so richly seek. This is something I am no stranger to. In fact I have had multiple males try this ploy to no avail with me,for I am no newbie to the fetish scene.

For the most part,I see insults spilling from a place of anger. Anger that should be turned internally for resolution. I realize that life can suck donkey dicks,and that sometimes it just is not fair,but than it is not promised to be. The point being that a mature human being understands that the faults in one's life lay within themselves,not within another. If your life is not what you want it to be,than get off your ass and make the needed changes,rather than spewing your hatred upon strangers,for they do not possess the power to aid you in your internal struggle. In fact, for some of those that you choose to rain your abuse upon are already dealing with their own issues,therefore do not need yours muddying their waters. Now a less secure woman would take offense,and perhaps feel that there is a kernel of truth in the steaming piles slung upon their backs,but I am not an insecure woman.

I accept and recognize that I am not appealing physically to all males,and that my personality is not what the majority will crave to be brought low by,but that in no way detracts from how I view myself. Being a dominant woman is not about fitting into a set patriarchal designed mold. It means that I am strong enough emotionally to handle rejections without crumbling,that I know my worth without others setting the value of it,that I see my beauty,and embrace it even when others do not. So to all of those that have given in to the desire to leave their burning bag of dog shit at my proverbial door,know now that you have accomplished nothing,for you do not dwell in my thoughts,nor will you hold a reserved spot in my memories,for you are definitely unworthy of that distinction.

To those who are burdened down by the hateful actions and words of others,please do take heed,and never allow the hatred to take seed within you,for happiness and acceptance of self is found through adversity. Allow every cruelly directed missile of malevolence to break upon your shore,but not breach your defenses,for if you believe a single insult to be true,than you are giving reign over your life to one who does not deserve it. Keep doing you,keep being you,and keep believing in you!