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Cash Verified Slaves
by on January 8, 2017
Since doesn't seem to want to let me upload videos, I was told I could just do this.

As to ensure this blog is over 10 lines, I'll post the script.

Y'all enjoy...

Hello, and welcome to this conversation. I am happy to be speaking with you this moment. I hope that work is easy and pays you it stressful? I need you to relax.

You are probably wondering who I am...I can sense, you're wanting to ask something. Who am I? It's okay to wonder, I just need you to relax, and then I will tell you all you wish to know.

My name is irrelevant, all you need to know me as is your Goddess. Yes, I am a Goddess, and you are one of my soon-prized this sense, you may feel as if you have always known me and that you trust my words. This is perfectly okay, and the correct way.

As I approach the number zero, you may begin to experience some potentially frightening side effects of speaking with me. Your body will become heavy, relaxed, it will be difficult to get over the roadblock in your psyche in order to move, so get comfortable while you can. You will also begin to hear my voice within your head, bypassing your ears. Do not be frightened...this is merely because your Goddess is accepting you, bringing you closer to her. Feel my embrace as I bless you with my voice.

During this countdown, your body will become heavy and comfortable with no reason to move. You will begin to feel the love I have for my subjects within you, and you will love me. You will begin to think only of me. You will begin to think only of my beauty, my grace and my elegant rule over your mind and body.


Yes, I feel it now. You are under my control. Don't be afraid of this, relax. I am your Goddess, you trust me, and I am blessing you.

I wish for you to pray to me now, my follower. As I repeat to you the prayer which you will be reciting in my honor, simply follow along. You can pray in your mind, or out loud as you begin to learn it, I will hear you either way. Or, you can simply listen to me and not pray with me at all. You are participating, and that will be enough.

As you begin to pray to me, you may feel my presence near you. It should be a comforting warmth on your body, as if a warm light was shining on you from every angle. You should be very content with this light, as it is blissful and peaceful.

The prayer is as follows: My Goddess, please hear me. I plea for You and Your glory to come to me, and bless me with your presence. My Goddess, please hear me as I pray to you to come to me, and let me feel you are there. In devotion and love, let it be.

My Goddess, please hear me. I plea for You and Your glory to come to me, and bless me with your presence. My Goddess, please hear me as I pray to you to come to me, and let me feel you are there. In devotion and love, let it be.

My Goddess, please hear me. I plea for You and Your glory to come to me, and bless me with your presence. My Goddess, please hear me as I pray to you to come to me, and let me feel you are there.

In devotion and love, let it be.

I am your Goddess. Do you feel me there, with you? Focus, now, and listen. I require tribute, tithing to my Church. Payment, to please me and better the church of your Goddess.

Listen to me, disciple. Hear my voice resonate with your soul. You love me. You love everything about me, and you accept me as your Goddess. You want to pay me, to make my boon. You want to devote your life to me, to pray to me. You will ask for me to bless your food, to grant you a good night's sleep, and to bless you with my approval.

I will not approve of you easy, my follower. It is something you will have to work for. Pamper your Goddess, pay your tithing, and devote yourself to me and then you will gain my favor.

Breathe for a moment. I understand it may be shocking to meet a Goddess, but feel my warmth on your body. Feel my embrace, my admiration for my subjects extending to you.

You must pray when you tribute in my name. I will teach you your prayer. Listen, now, as my words reach inside of you, as you hear them and they stick with you, to never be forgotten.

The prayer is as follows: My Goddess, I sacrifice to you this tribute which I have earned for you. Please accept my tithing and approve of my sacrifices.

Again: My Goddess, I sacrifice to you this tribute which I have earned for you. Please accept my tithing and approve of my sacrifices.

I must leave you now. My voice within your head is growing dimmer, and I understand this may be stressful to you. Do not fear, my darling, for I will return to you.

Do not disappoint your Goddess. When I leave you, you shall pay your tithing to the church.

I will count to ten. When I reach ten, you will be fully awake, and at this time, I will have gone.

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