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Cash Verified Slaves
Miss Kristy
by on December 30, 2016
In todays society of BDSM and financial domination, it seems the new generation of sub/slave and even some of the older generation do not seem to understand the concept of how to approach to Dominant Woman with Respect and Courtesy. You may feel overwhelmed or nervous knowing that talking to them intimidates you, but we do want to hear from you. So lets break down the types of emails we as dominant females receive.

The one sentence email:

Hey there! You are Gorgeous and I love your pics! Can you Dom me? Hey baby whats up?

So do you see a pattern here and what is wrong with these? If you are writing a first email to someone do you actually think someone who has thoughtfully written out their profile is going to reply to these? Me personally I don't even rely to text messages that look like this.

The next type of email: The DO ME email

Hello. I love to be humiliated, have a domme tell me how small my penis is, cbt, told to do whatever my domme wants, bondage, i like to do things on cam and have you watch. Or "Hi I'm totally a sub and I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do for you because it's totally what you want and you totally want me right?

Um, we don't care what you want us to do to you. Its what we want to do to you thats what matters. No one cares about getting an email of 100 of your fetishes and all you do is talk bout you and never once ask about us. what our likes are. What we like to do.

The next email: THe I don't have a clue what you are saying and using text type for email:

Hi gorgeous hru doing care to chat you are amazingly gorg what r u looking for. And will you be ok to chat with young 1

Huh? First of all it doesn't take that long to type out a word. Second If I see an email like this I don't even bother reading it and automatically delete it. If you can't take the time to type it out, I can't take the time to read it.

So here are some tips:

When writing a Domme, look at her profile. Read about her, get to know here that way. A lot of Dommes write very in depth blogs, profiles. and give links to websites or social media outlets. Find out her likes and dislikes. Then, write your email. Make an introduction to her. Tell her about YOU not your fetishes. You can put what you are seeking in a Domme, what type of relationship you are seeking. The more you tell her the more likely she will respond to you. If you want a session by session relationship let her know. If you just want to tribute her once, let her know. If you want to build a D/s relationship let her know.

Once you start to talk to her remember she is taking time to talk to you and getting to know you and vice versa. This is a findom site. Be cordial and make sure you tribute her for the time she gave you even if she isn't what you are looking for. Its only polite and it gives you a good reputation.

Remember, be polite. Think before you write. Be courteous. Give information. Take time to read profiles and don't ask questions for things you can find in their profiles. Finally, use correct punctuation and grammar!!!

I am sure there is more that I forgot to add or couldn't think of. So feel free to comment below!