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Cash Verified Slaves
by on December 28, 2016
Focus is a key element to success. Focus aids you in achieving your goals, and lack of it is sure to send you in a downward spiral. This pertains to all areas of life, even Findom. It is even applicable on both sides of the fence (Domme&submissive).

You will never reach and or sate your desires if you lose focus. Whether intentional or not, we all set goals in our lives, and formulate an agenda to meet those goals. It is not required that we obliterate every other factor of our lives to get there, but a purpose driven life is more likely to yield the results we crave.

Say for example that you want to be the very best possible submissive that you possibly can be for your Domme, than you should keep that thought uppermost in your mind, and find ways to apply it in every aspect of your life. That includes the "vanilla" realm of your life as well.

As a submissive you should be working hard at your place of employment in order to climb the ladder, and earn more revenue for your FinDomme. You can take classes to further your education in your chosen field, which just might earn you the promotion you seek, thereby allowing you to enrich her life further. In this place of employment as well, you can honor your chosen Lady by displaying respect for women, by not engaging in the "good ole boys" mentality. Be that one male who doesn't catcall women, or talk about them lewdly openly or on the down low. Do not sexualize the women you see, nor relegate them to one dimensional beings whose only purpose is satiation of male desires. Stand out among your peers by opening doors for women in and out of the workplace. Aid women in their advancements. Make it known that you are an advocate for women, and that your advocacy is not a weakness, but a strength. Donate to women's causes. Give your patronage to female owned businesses whenever possible. Tip your waitress atleast 20%. Intentionally look for ways to advance awareness of how patriarchy is nothing more than abuse of women. These are all ways to grow in your submission towards the feminine.

On the flip side Dommes who keep their eyes and actions trained towards the finish line are more likely to reach it eventually. Part of this is not allowing the actions of others to woo you from your path. It is so easy to get discouraged when you see so many others doing the things you want to do, getting the tributes you yourself wish to receive, receiving the accolades and acknowledgement that you believe you deserve, but here is the thing! You will never reach your desired destination if your eyes are focused upon others. You must keep your focus on you, on your goals, and how best to achieve them. This may mean going out of your comfort zone a bit. Now I am not advocating that you change, or do anything that just does not fit in with who you are as a dominant woman, but I am relaying that you cannot gauge your success by the standards of others. Focusing and obsessing on how well others in your field are doing will only distract you, and in some instances even depress you. To discourage this from happening, you could spend your excess time reading, researching, and furthering your knowledge of fetishes, and how best to bring males to their knees before you. After all what woman would not like to have a harem of males bowing before them lol :) Seriously though, seek out ways to propel yourself forward, so long as it is not upon the backs of other females, go for it. Do not be afraid to be ruthless in your desire to succeed. Take chances, and if they fail, get the hell up and get back on that horse. Never allow your worth or chances of succeeding to be set by outside forces. Be you, do you, and in time success will be your bitch!