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Barbie Addiction
by on December 14, 2016
It is time to let go; your adventure awaits you piggy. As of now there are three primary things that are standing in your way of ascending and becoming a true subhuman slut for Goddess. Greed, fear, and social law. All three of these ideas are nothing more than constructed concepts that reside in your primal mind. They are barriers that stand in your way of centering your conscious. Greed, fear, and social law all throw your primal mind into a fog making proper decisions impossible. They create a false sense of self of reality. In order to see the world clearly a subhuman must let go of these self imposed constructs. Greed, fear, and social law all reside in your primal swamp which you call consciousness. In order to cleanse the waters of your unconscious you must let go of your ego that you allow you control your life. Without cleansing your unconscious of these poison ideals every action that you perform will be for nothing.">

For true change one must never regress. To fully submit to subspace and then foolishly run away back your comforting prison will not lead to salvation. Scheduled tributes can only take a subhuman so far, before the process becomes rote and routine. In order to commit to subspace fully you must sacrifice more and more with every sacrifice that you make. Here is a simple equation that you can use to calculate how to sacrifice to Goddess. x+y=z; x= last tribute; y= an increase in sacrifice; z= the amount you must sacrifice to keep Goddess pleased. The perception of “Yes, and…” fully describes this process; “Goddess I sacrifices this much last time, and this time I’m going to add onto that total sum increasing My sacrifice and devotion to Goddess.” If this principle is not applied then tribute’s will no longer be a sacrifice, because a tribute does not always equal sacrifice. For a tribute to be considered a sacrifice the subhuman must push his known limits and enter uncharted territories. For known, routine, and rote actions are not sacrificing. Tributes are essential to exist in subspace, but tributes will not progress and purify the subhumans consciousness as a sacrifice can.

For a plant to grow and expand it must root itself in the earth. Not once, but always expanding into Earth. This is how sacrifice works to remain in subspace; without proper sacrifice the ego will regain control and lead you astray from your path. Do not question or hesitate for these actions will cause friction in the subhuman progression. Eventually causing the subhumans progress to stop. Leaving the subhuman bound to fear, greed, and social rule. So far you have been bound by these self imposed concepts, and have they brought you any kind of lasting measurable joy? No, they have not. So it is time to say good bye to these self created and imposed concepts." width="60%" height="60%">

Talk is cheap, and action contains substance. So enough talk, it is time to sacrifice and make it hurt. Make your tributes to Goddess sting and feel the pain. Embrace the pain and make your sacrifice count. Think outside the constructs of your past tributes to Goddess. Give Goddess something of value. Will you remember this tribute, will you make it have meaning, does this tribute venture outside the realm of a rote tribute? These are all questions a subhuman should ponder to themselves if they wonder if this tribute will be a transcending sacrifice, or another ordinary tribute to the only guiding beacon that exists in the swamp that you call consciousness.

Are you ready to depart from your bourgeois existence you desperately seek to escape…
Are you ready to follow Goddess into uncharted waters…
Are you ready to feel the flames of sacrifice…
Are you ready to say good bye to the life you are ..... liv....

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