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Cash Verified Slaves
by on December 7, 2016
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a kinky man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a Findomme.
Not every player and payer in the Findom community is dragging around a fat wallet. Regardless, those with shallower pockets can get creative and find ways to sacrifice. Quite often the sacrifice is just as enticing as the cash. I personally adore it when a man finds ways to save his pennies just so I can enjoy more. It says that I am worth the sacrifice. It says that he is putting me first in his life. That’s powerful stuff!

Here are a few ways to save so that you can funnel more funds to ME:

Shop generic brands. Unless you have allergies or some other special need, the $1.00 toothpaste should work just fine. If the taste is less than desirable, just remember: sacrifice.
Change your own oil. Remember when a man’s response to a flat tire was to roll up his sleeves and change it rather than pulling out his cell phone to call road service? Yeah, me too…men like this are becoming scarce. Go buy an oil filter wrench and learn how to use it. If you get a little dirty, just remember: sacrifice.
Brown bag it. No more restaurants or fast food joints for you. If you get a craving to eat out, remember: sacrifice.
Drinks with the guys. Why would you even think of drinking? This is a complete waste of MY money. Serve as the designated driver and remember: sacrifice.
By now you should be getting the hang of this so we can go a little faster. If you’re cash poor, but really want to show dedication and devotion to your lady, you can always: get a second job, hold a yard sale, drive for Uber, grow your own herbs and vegetables, pawn something, cash in vacation hours or sick time at work, mow lawns, cancel your cable/satellite radio/streaming services, carpool to work, clip coupons, give up coffee, skip the hot shave at the barber shop, repair rather than replace (just about anything), use generic prescriptions when possible, sell blood plasma or saliva (oh, yeah, it is really a thing!), recycle cans and bottles, babysit or pet sit, be a nude figure model at a local college or artist group, and so on and so forth.

Let’s face it, any inability to tribute on your part is just pure selfish laziness. Every morning you should rise with a smile on your face and ask, “What can I do for Miss Jean today?”

*Originally posted on