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Cam Verified Domme
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A tribute is a thoughtful act, and it should always feel amazing to both the Dominant & submissive.
A tribute should always be engaging & refreshing.
Now, this mostly implies to sending gift card tributes, but it can also imply to other forms of tributes
(if a message can be written)
For me… a good tribute consists of
1. A thoughtful honor that reflects the engagement that the sub & Domme have;
a well written message (example shown in pic below)
2. Getting creative with it; it shows that you are taking time/appreciating to actually send a tribute
(Change the forms of tributes, do a diff tribute once in a while, put a pic)
3. Send it by surprise, do it without any intentions - make the tribute part of your interaction
Every interaction is different, so make the tribute unique for each interaction.
Get fun with it, make us laugh, surprise us, send a tribute to engage more, make it good.., "make it count"
An example of one of the "good" tributes I've gotten from my submissive's
A tribute should always be engaging & refreshing.
Now, this mostly implies to sending gift card tributes, but it can also imply to other forms of tributes
(if a message can be written)
For me… a good tribute consists of
1. A thoughtful honor that reflects the engagement that the sub & Domme have;
a well written message (example shown in pic below)
2. Getting creative with it; it shows that you are taking time/appreciating to actually send a tribute
(Change the forms of tributes, do a diff tribute once in a while, put a pic)
3. Send it by surprise, do it without any intentions - make the tribute part of your interaction
Every interaction is different, so make the tribute unique for each interaction.
Get fun with it, make us laugh, surprise us, send a tribute to engage more, make it good.., "make it count"
An example of one of the "good" tributes I've gotten from my submissive's
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