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Goddess Hel
by on November 11, 2016
Have you ever seen someone on the street or in a bar, that you just had that instant attraction to? I'm usually that person. I draw attention everywhere I go, and I'm usually the center of attention at gatherings. Strangers approach me without caution, and i get to know people's most intimate secrets within and hour of meeting them. I've had grown men twice my size cry in my arms after knowing their biggest problem and deepest sorrow without asking.I get weak, broken and helpless people coming to me often. The majority of these are loyal to me for years. No, i'm not unselfish. I don't give without expecting anything in return. But I am kind. I understand people better than they usually understand themselves. I never judge. I've heard the reason why people find me so facinating. I'm unpredictable, exciting, strong. Strong. That's something I've been called all my life. By my family, friends and strangers. I've never been seen as a weak or fragile person. And when I want something, I know exactly how to get it. I gain trust easily, and from there it's very easy to figure out what to say to get my way, and the person thinks they're the one who came up with the idea. I never beg. I never ask for help. I never complain. I make everyone around me captivated. People who say they're done talking to me, or done with me, always come back, saying they can't live without me. They need me, my strenght, my wisdom and guidance. They spiral into depression and a feeling of being incomplete without me in their lives. People try their hardest to figure me out, and just when they think they've done it, i turn their world upside down and prove them wrong. I suppose that's what makes me unique. my uniqeness. People say they've never met anyone like me. They say i'm their reason for living. And of course, they give me everything. Even if I'm extremely independent and care for myself as i have my whole life, they're just grateful I keep them in my life, or even spend a second talking to them. And i know that's why i'm such a great Domme. I love having people live at my mercy, being dependant on my praise and attention. Feeling like there was no life before they met me. And knowing the very worst thing to happen is that I consider them as dead to me. They tell me that's what their biggest fear is. Even more than death. I've had subs beg for death instead of being dismissed. And it takes a very powerful woman to have such influence. They tell me things that would potentially ruin their lives, set them in prison for life. Why would someone do that? What's the reason for people to be so drawn to me? To trust me fully, despite knowing nothing about me? That's for you to find out. what