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Goddess Bella Donna
by on September 4, 2016
A few thoughts for you submissive boys and sissies from Goddess Bella Donna

(Cross post from )

Sit down my dears and get comfortable. I have a few important things to make you think about and I am sure you may even have already noticed them for yourself to some extend.

However I think that it is important that it is mentioned to you in a way that doesn’t allow you to indulge in your avoidance of facts habit. Oh and you are all very good at that aren’t you?

There is a very good chance that you may only have had experience with online domination at this point. Perhaps you may have only been a watcher and dreamer up to this point, watching the endless streams for femdom pornographic images flow by you on social media. Maybe you have been a part of social communities such as Fetlife or niche specific communities such a,etc. Or you have joined Facebook groups that have a Femdom / male sub overtone.

When you are only an outside observer you get the misguided idea that there are more Femdoms then male submissives out there and it leads to what I call a “boy in a candy store syndrome”. Surely with so many women offering their time and experience, teasing and tempting you, strutting their stuff in often times very racy behavior, there has to be an overflow of female flesh to choose from for you horny boys.

Oh boy did I just phrase that in a highly offensive to the Ladies way, but that is what is being presented to you in your mind. You still have not clued in that many of those Ladies are Models and just because someone dresses and spouts a few words that to the layman represent female domination doesn’t make them in actuality Femdoms of any kind. Many are playing a role or character in order to support them-selves and in the smart business practice of a woman who is highly in touch with her sexuality and feels no shame in using it capitalizes financially on your weaknesses. Oh and no there is NOTHING AT ALL WRONG WITH IT!!!!

The point I am making is that what you see often is an illusion and doesn’t necessarily represent the facts of how many actual skilled and knowledgeable in domination and various fetishes as well as BDSM or Kinks Ladies of Dominance are actually out there.

That however you don’t even begin to understand until such time when you actively decide to seek one out. It is during those first times of seeking a Lady of Power out when you begin to realize that not all that glitters is gold.

It may take you a few times before you start noticing that something is missing when you engage with them. What’s missing? The actual Power within them and the being comfortable of taking control over another person in the way a Lady of Dominance will and can.

Oh and yes dear ones, SHE has to be comfortable with it and SHE must actually feel the need within HER to be in charge and take control. It has to be part of HER natural character, HER being, otherwise She will falter in the end.

To put it in a rather offensive way but one that will make the point extremely well. You can hand a Chimp a Flogger and teach it to swing it, that doesn’t make it a Master or Mistress. It is still just a Chimp with a Flogger.

Anyone can take lessons and learn how to use the various toys and tools found in BDSM. Anyone can dress the part that is so frequently represented as what a Mistress should look like. What you can’t learn is holding that Power inside of you and how to engage in a Power Exchange that is both meaningful as well as beneficial to both sides. You can’t teach someone how to feel comfortable and confident at a very deep level and you can’t teach them to really get it on a deep level either. That has to be inside of them already. At least the spark.

So unlike what appears to be available the Pool of Ladies of Dominance is actually a lot smaller. Add into that that many already have a submissive male or have very strict requirements on what they find acceptable from those who may gain the privilege of applying for a position as Her slave or one of Her slaves if She is a Hisem Mistress the pressure on you putting some actual effort in becomes even more true. Now remove the group of Ladies of Power who are not interested in taking on a male born slave but prefer female born slaves and it narrows down even further.

Here is when you will truly realize just how much effort you really have to put in to stand out among the thousands of other males who dream of being a submissive or slave to a Lady of Dominance.

Next of course comes the attitude and mental picture you have about what it means to be a male sub or slave. That is where most of you will fail miserable and a lot of mental conditioning has to take place. Which means once again you have to find a Lady who is willing to spend an extraordinary amount of time undoing bad behaviors and adjusting your mental picture of what it is to be Her slave.

You’d be surprised how few Ladies these days are actually willing to put up with that and are willing to put that type of work into you. Most Ladies of Dominance are usually very busy in their personal life and often times have a demanding Business Life as well. They seek to find relaxation, service and entertainment with those who serve them not have to deal with irritations that can be avoided.

Remember that a slave is to be a joy to his Mistress not a burden or an annoyance and yet sadly, many of those who only look at fictional literature or pornographic movies as sources of insight will become exactly that. A burden and an annoyance.

Now you need to keep in mind what type of Lady of Dominance you seek out to take control of you. What is it you are looking for and what amount of effort are you willing to put in it. Oh boy that pool of available to you Ladies is shrinking by the minute.

The point is that the chances of you finding someone whom you can actually become a slave or sub to in a very real way, be that online or real time (face to face) are only decent for those who put in a lot of effort from the start and keep up that amount of effort throughout.

Let Me give you a little tip. A Lady of Power and Dominance is very patient in selecting and finding the proper slave and sub for Her. She feels no desperation in the task. She knows that in due time the right boy will approach Her and it makes no difference if that takes days, weeks, months or years.

Her Ego is not on the line here nor does She feel lonely without a body to kneel to Her. It’s a lot more important for Her that the one who does kneel to Her in due time is the right one for HER and in turn for Her to be the right ONE for him.

In general a Lady of Dominance will weed and wade through many potential applicants for Her time and affections. Many will be left by the wayside as time goes by simply because they did not hold that special something within them that She seeks in them. They were just not keepers and again that sounds a lot harsher than it sounds.

Just like in a Vanilla Life you will date probably many people before you fall in love with the one that ensnares your heart, mind and body. It’s a process which takes all of different amounts of time and how long it takes always depends on the matches and personalities.

Over the years I have had many subs whom I felt a very strong instant connection with, but as time went on I got to see the hidden side of their Characters which could not be trained out of them and made U/us incompatible in the long run.

I had one sub whom I actually found very difficult to be around at first and by My very nature was tempted to just deny access to Me, but something inside of Me stilled My hand from giving him the “Go away” sign. In his case it was pure nerves and feeling so overwhelmed by My presence, as well as being something he had not expected Me to be like that caused his behavioral problems with Me that truly turned Me off against him.

It took a total blow out between U/us to clear the air and he ended up returning to Me 3 months later a much changed individual AFTER he had time to think over what I told him that fateful day.

He went on to become one of My most treasured and highly devoted submissives for several years until his personal life took him out of the BDSM lifestyle completely.

Still again it was a major effort that was required to go from just another guy to becoming such a wonderful treasure whom still think of fondly many years later.

These days you are so used to women courting you for your affections and you do not seem to see things for what they are.

I myself I have various categories to Me – the Content producers who is an Adult Business woman and within that capacity markets her products in a way that draws your attention to them. It’s business and nothing else. It has nothing at all to do with domination even if the topics are Femdom and Fetish topics. Domination is a personal thing, a one on one thing, an interactive thing. Not a buy a product and suddenly I am your Mistress thing. NO I am your kinky creative and highly skilled content provider who earns HER living of this. Nothing more.

The Professional Domina who allows you the opportunity to gain a bit of experience and exploration in something you may and probably are not to able to reach for due to life and business circumstances. I provide a service at the same time as I allow you the experience of what it is like to serve Me. It being Professional there is a financial business transaction taking place simply because your service you provide during that session is based more on what you seek out to experience rather than on what MY needs are.

Yes I still retain the right and will deny a Session if I am not interested in you, if you are not in conjunction of the Fetishes and Kinks I enjoy, or your manners are not in accordance with what I desire from you. I have that Luxury thankfully to turn you down since for Me even so it is part of My Income it is NOT just about the Money here nor my primary income.

Lifestyle even more so and now I am even more picky and choosy and guess who gets to do all the courting here. It isn’t Me!!!

You as the submissive have to offer something of value to Me to even gain MY interest and attention. YOU have to stand out above the rest of those who just scream for attention. YOU have to make Me curious to know more about you and oh if you get fortunate enough in doing this, YOU better make sure you don’t let the opportunity to please Me and put yourself in a good light with Me from the start pass by. Because every opportunity comes with a deadline and I can guarantee you I am watching.

Even in Financial Fetish and Domination I am very much Old School and highly Traditional in the way I see the connections. I am a LOVER of Protocols, Rituals and more. I bring a strong structure into the life of those who actually kneel to SERVE ME in a long term style relationship and those with whom I find that special connection there will be a mixture of the Newer Age forms of communication and presentations as it must be, but a deep deep ground work based in True Goddess worship and strict Low as well as HIGH Protocols which you’ll learn to cherish.

I am NOT a Mistress – I am a Goddess – and that places Me in style and how I see the connections in a very different aspect. I do expect beautiful manners, almost courtly, and those I condition could be taken to any Event after a while and be a Showpiece of how a sub should behave and awe those around U/us.

I am still a Goddess from an Era that is romanticized now and largely forgotten because it is one that takes an immense amount of effort on both sides, but that holds such a beauty that it will bring tears to your eyes.

To Me those things are as natural as breathing. They are just how it is and how it should be. I am the Goddess on High and My slaves are able to hold their heads high in pride of having been picked by Me for this privilege.

Now take a little guess what type of submissive man or sissy you have to be to gain My attention and the opportunity to serve Me personally. The get that special touch that makes you want to sink to your Knees for Me. Do you think a boy with an attitude problem or one that is lazy can gain that? NO!!!

I am not the only Lady who is this way out there. Quality always stands above quantity. A woman of Dominance is not a commodity that you can just pick up at any street corner my dears. So it behooves you not to treat your approaches as if any of US are.

Goddess Bella Donna