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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 26, 2016
I enjoy total lifestyle control of my slaves. It's just what I expect and I make no qualms about my expectations. If someone can't live up to those expectations, then they are cordially invited to serve someone who expects less. I've noticed in life, that when people don't expect much, they don't receive much. However, that has never been an issue for me.


So a few days ago I was discussing matters of financial import with my Long Island panty bitch-- or LI panty bitch for short. He was recently laid off from a well-paying job this summer and it sent him into a momentary spiral of depression. I knew the situation was not nearly as dire as he thought because he is highly qualified and extremely sought after in his field. Before he even officially ended with his previous employer, he was already receiving offers from others. I kept reassuring him that all would be well, after all, he did have a rather generous severance package coming his way. Plus the last two months of his employment he didn't even have to show up for work but was still receiving his regular salary. He basically got paid to take the whole fucking summer off and already had job offers lined up, so what was he bitching about anyway.

I, however, was mindful not to put undue financial pressure on him to keep up with regular tributes or gifts. He has money in savings, credit cards with low balances, still getting paid from the last job, generous severance on the way... But the fear of debt or being poor scares the FUCK out of him. I wonder where he got that healthy fear of perpetual debt from?

.. Hmmmm..

But just because he was unable to tribute in a scheduled fashion for the last 2 months, doesn't mean he still does not owe me for being lenient during this period. When I mentioned this to him, he decided to take it upon himself to tribute me in another way. He went to an attorney to see about having his property and some of his assets transferred to an irrevocable living trust naming me both trustee and beneficiary. I wasn't even planning on pushing him that far, YET, although, he has served me for the last 14 years, so I know he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He's loyal and he does what he says -- which is a rare and rewarding quality for a slave to have-- but an absolute requirement for serving me.

This is not the first time I have been named beneficiary and I have received an inheritance before, so I'm not completely surprised. My belgian bitch also has a life insurance policy with Goddess as sole beneficiary. But, I was pretty shocked to see the panty bitch taking such a big step in his service to me... all by himself no less. He used to be very reluctant to tribute, would NEVER tithe cash (only gifts) and was the most penny-pinching person I knew. After years of training, reprogramming and chastity, he has become a lot more generous, forward-thinking and faithfully sends me the money he has left over after paying his bills every two gifts and random tributes.

Obviously, a step such as this is a big one, so I told him we can sit down with his attorney and formally plan his estate together the next time I am in New York. Which probably won't be until around the 1st of the new year because I already have two Euro trips planned for October and late Nov/Dec.

He knows that he wants to take care of me and provide for my future, not to mention I demand to be taken care of in every way imaginable. The best way to do that is in a legally binding fashion. He has no children or spouse, so it makes sense that I should stand to inherit everything he has worked so hard for. Who do you think pushes him to work like a beast!

Hahaha.. yours truly, of course.

Put up or shut up, bitches.

And while I will most likely never marry my panty bitch, (or allow him to marry), he's mine 'til debt do us part.


Oh, and p.s.

In case you were wondering, he was unemployed for all of a month before he secured an even better-paying job than before. He travels weekly now for work and gets to rack up tons of Hilton and Hyatt points for us to use when we travel. Also his severance package came in yesterday. I will allow him to use a large portion on paying off the last of his credit cards (right before I run them back up again, let's be real) and I want him to take me on holiday, but I haven't decided where.. I am thinking Mo'orea. The rest goes into savings or money market accounts... then, eventually into MY trust.

Next, Pt 2; Total Financial Control: Credit Cards, Chastity, & Contracts