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Goddess Blaize
by on August 25, 2016
When I first started here, coming up on 5 months ago, I saw all the beautiful D/s relationships and said to myself "I want that". I let owning a boy become my priority here instead of enjoying the fetish. Long story short My owning experience was a flop, not enough communication, etc. Jumping in with both feet while still in that blissed out honeymoon phase, didn't work for me. The boy wasn't ready, and honestly I don't think it was in his nature. But he agreed to it, to please me, which is in his nature. It didn't work out, and was quite sad at times for both of us. I still chat with him from time to time, and we are good. But I learned lesson number 1 for myself, and that is, don't jump into ownership. After that I thought I still wanted that magic owning thing, and went about my way.

Not long after, A boy with whom I had some contact with in the past when he was new, contacted me. He was recently out of an unfulfilling owned situation, he remembered our conversations from the past, and came to chat. After a bit of chatting back and forth for a few days, we fell into a pattern of tribs, tasks, fun, sharing etc. Just like those beautiful D/s relationships I longed for. But guess what? I didn't own him, and I was okay with that. Trusted him, and respected his need to not be owned. I learned that just because he was not owned did not mean he would be tribbing every Domme on the site. He was an amazing sub, who loved to serve, and was respectful to everyone on the site. Unfortunately he was pulled away by vanilla life, but is still lurking around here and there with a request to spoil every so often. :)

He never CHOSE to serve another Domme for the rest of his time at FD that I know of, which makes his submission to me all the sweeter. Because it was organic, and unforced. I didn't take it, he gave it, willingly, and unselfishly. This is why he still thinks of me and I him. It was a mutual place of respect in D/s that I really enjoyed.

I have since engaged in play with other subs around the site, in unowned capacity. Im learning I quite enjoy this, communication is clearer, expectations reasonable, when play is over they go about their merry way, and I mine. Sometimes they come back for more, sometimes not, and Im okay with that, because there is no expected return. where as when an owned sub, or one with more expectations of his time doesn't come through, I find myself angry, or resentful. not a place I like to be. Life is too short.

So far I have found communal boys quite interesting, and fulfilling. Some like to chat, some don't, I enjoy the variety, and appreciate that there are other Dommes these lowly souls can go to, if I cannot meet the needs of their depravity. Im a softie, so I like not having the pressure of making sure my owned sub is fulfilled as well, because there are some things I just won't do. I do expect honesty, and complete openness in the unowned situation as well. If your spending time with another Domme say so, ill be off to play with someone else, and we'll chat at a later date. Im not about being bitter and pissed off, I appreciate an honest straight forward boy, and encourage it. I've been lucky enough to find exactly that recently.

So new Domes, don't be discouraged, and don't be so quick to lock a boys money down, he will trib when/if he's inspired, and feels the need. its up to you to find his buttons, and make him feel the NEED to make you happy. He will act as if he's owned. It won't happen over night, but it will happen if you put the time and energy there.