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Cash Verified Slaves
by on August 10, 2016
One of the biggest whines I have heard lately is "you just want my money". Let's talk about this shall we?

If this is what you believe about me personally there could be a reason why,and most likely it is all on you. If you are interacting with me,it is due to you reaching out to me,not vice versa. I repeat,I do not chase after male attention. I have no need for such tactics,and if I am not the one making contact,than I am in no way obligated to react in a generous manner. We are not friends,and I owe you zilch. You on the other hand are rather self-centered and obnoxious popping up in my inbox expecting something for nothing from me,so slow your roll before you hurl accusations .

If you have come to my inbox,ask yourself why you did so. Did you pounce in looking for a quick jerk? Were you reaching out for selfish reasons(anything to do with your dick is selfish)? If you responded yes,than you are the type of male who receives not an ounce of respect from me,nor do I care for your poor tender feelings of entitlement,or cater to you attempting to use me non-consentually. I have not signed a release stating that any and all swinging dicks have the right to impugn my person with their dick delusions,so when you come at me with your own agenda,you will certainly get the "fuck you pay me" response,because I detest you right from the start,and if I am going to gift a single moment of my time,than you are going to pay dearly for it. In my eyes males like I described are the scum of the earth,and I have no qualms treating them as such,which means pay up or STFU.

A totally differing subset of males approach me with my interests in mind,and these are the males who do not regurgitate the tired pity me line of "you just want my money". Why is that? They do not do so because they realize that it is their duty to contribute financially to my life,and are happy to play such a part. They take joy in being of use to a superior dominant woman in any way possible. They recognize their place in a female supremacist's life. Instead of breaking out the cheese for their whine,they say "she just wants my money!" They are happy that they are allowed to make a difference in my life,and beyond the moon ecstatic that I acknowledge their existence.

Basically I see it like this...using that line is subversive ploy to receive attention from a woman without ever showing her due respect. It reminds me of the juvenile saying "I double dog dare ya" a way it is exactly the same. It is a goading statement,in that I should prove them wrong,and interact with them for free,ergo they win. As well it is intended to shame and guilt me...oh she is such a bad person..once again meaning that I should prove them wrong by giving them my time free. Who honestly comes out on top in either of those situations,ya right not me,and believe me when I say that I am all about ME.

Would I speak with males who are not contributing to my life,NO. Do I have to,NO. Does it make me a bad person not doing so,NO. It merely means that I value myself above such BS. My time is my own,and I am the banker who decides how to spend it,and I will not apologize for opting to share it with those who actually appreciate it as a gift.

In conclusion,keep your manipulative "you just want me for my money" ass out of my inbox. Thanks :)